Monday, April 20, 2015


TUE., SEP. 5, 1989 2:45 A.M. YEAR 3, DAY 020Ashtar to continue.
Widespread is the influence which the DBBs have upon average individuals. It reaches from the depths of the depravity which is found in drinking and drug dens and brothels, all the way to the boardrooms of large corporations and the very highest levels of government. In fact, the more degraded and higher the probable influence the harder and meaner the impact. It becomes totally integrated so that all facets play into the whole.
In essence, what the DBBs are able to do is to bring to life the embers which were taken into each human being at the time when the “gift of permanence” was conveyed. This I have already covered. Because the gift entailed adding to each human entity part of the essence of one of the fallen beings, these same beings, now of the DB, are readily able to tune themselves to the vibrations of any human soul frequency that has allowed itself to be colored strongly by the negative qualities of the “seed” which was taken in at that formative birthing.
Through this attunement between a human being and a DB, a magnification of the effect of that negative seed can take place. This is the origin of the concept that, just as each human soul has its guardian angel, so too it has its own ‘demon’ or fallen angel and/or “bad seed”. Strictly speaking this is not true, since the essence of a given one of the fallen beings is distributed among a large number of humans. The notion that a given human soul is more susceptible to the influence of one particular evil entity than of others is in general true, for the reason that I have now differentiated.
When the plan to distribute fragments of the fallen beings among humans was adopted, it was expected that the human entities would strive to purify and cleanse the dark seeds that were then implanted. Many have indeed accomplished this purification, and such individuals are far less susceptible to the whisperings of the DBBs than are their fellows who have never attempted to eradicate the darkness within.
An attempt to spur the human soul toward a particular action or thought which leads away from soul-advancement and which, followed far enough, would lock that human being into a downward spiral from which it could not escape, is attempted.
I will now discuss violence, aggression and loss of temper. In its ultimate manifestation, this category of influence brings war on a massive scale. It is not an inherent part of the human make-up, as originally created, to feel the hostility and hatred that are now seen so often in the world. These feelings have been introduced due to the combined effect of the dark seeds taken in at the time of the “gift of permanence”, together with the influence of the planet which man calls Mars. The red planet harbors an immense thought-form of hatred and aggression which can strongly overshadow thoughts and events on the Earth whenever it comes to a close approach. These factors, spurred by the constant efforts of the DB to fan the flames of bitterness and hostility between men, have been sufficient to allow warfare and violence on an unprecedented scale to sweep over this earth.
In some of your Earth countries, notably Iraq and Iran, the hostile attitude has put its foul roots down into the very heart of the nation, darkening almost every citizen with its poison. There is little hope that the bloodshed and horror can be stopped in countries such as these. In actuality, some such countries will completely consume themselves. It will not be until the final death throes of the evil world system that those unfortunate lands will perceive the wrongness of their practices. By that time, however, it will most likely be too late to avoid destruction.
Next, let us speak of temptation. This relates specifically to the idea of “self”. While it was always intended that humanity should develop a strong and stable image of the self, there was never any intention that such development should lead to a permanent coldness between humans. Nor was there the aim to allow the selfishness now rampant on the earth to permit one soul to control or manipulate others for purely personal reasons. Pride, haughtiness and any manifestations of selfishness have developed only since men learned to think of themselves as better than others, more deserving, more powerful, or whatever, towards power growth of self. Now you put the characteristics onto subliminal tapes and drizzle them into the subconscious to insure they are nurtured.
These attitudes poison relationships between souls and lead to permanent estrangement—producing a coldness and distance which can last over many lives in the joint experiences of souls who have allowed this to occur.
Now, another big one: materialism. This is a very broad topic, but can basically be summed up under two headings: possessions and atheism.
The lust for material possessions has been aided and abetted by the rich life style of twentieth century having and living, at least for countries in the West. However, even in the so-called “have-not” (third world?) lands, there is a great desire for material possessions among those who have been exposed to the kinds of goods which are available in other places.
This arises because, in most instances, the souls who are born into the “have-not” countries are there because, among other reasons, they must learn NOT to covet material things for their own sake. When these individuals again see the kinds of goods that might be available, they rekindle the old covetous streak which they have brought over from a previous life incarnate, and they suffer because their desire to possess these things cannot be fulfilled.
The idea that atheism is related to materialism may seem strange to some, but perhaps I can point out that the surest way to lose sight of the higher realities is to fasten one’s attention onto the things of the earth to such an extent that one forgets the truth that the material plane is only one realm of experience. Compound that with the concept that perhaps there is no other plane of existence and you have total materialism. If that goes further into belief that Earth life is but a passing phase lived on a plane which is not really the “home” of the human race, or that it is all there is, you have no reason not to respond to the total material persona.
If the mind becomes too obsessed with things and possessions, there is a great likelihood that the truths of the spirit will be passed over and forgotten. For many souls, this is precisely what has happened.
Your question should be, at this point, “How does one combat these categories of temptation?” The answer is too simple to be adequately utilized—LOVE!
It is LOVE alone that can surmount the barriers of distrust and hatred which man has thrown up due to his violent and aggressive ways. I do NOT refer to anything in your vocabulary that is defined as love; nor of hardly any of your physical human activities—which, by the way, are almost totally satanic in origin and fulfillment.
It is love alone which allows one to perceive that selfishness and the manipulation of others are not noble or spiritual paths to follow. It is love alone which can displace the lust for possessions in the mind of one who is caught in that dreadful trap. Only love can broaden the understanding to the point where the soul sees that the purpose of life is not to collect but rather to give—not to hinder but rather to help others, not to aggrandize the self, but to place it into the service of the creative forces that have made this realm of Earth, man, and all the myriads of creatures which inhabit its many planes and sub-realms; The Creation.
Now, brothers, let us investigate how these traps are set for YOU!
There are numerous souls who instinctively know that there is a “Path” somewhere—a route which, if followed diligently, will allow them to achieve spiritual progress and a true grasp of the meaning and purpose of life. However, these souls are not all of the same discernment. Many are very young in the sense of experience. Let me use an example which is a favorite of one of the Cohans, Hilarion.
Hypothesize that a soul has had numerous lives of a rather common variety, living within the various traditions into which it has been birthed, adopting the bias of the environs, including all of its prejudices and narrow thought-patterns, never stimulating fully the realization that life has a purpose entirely incongruous to that which conventional wisdom maintains. Then, suppose that soul lives a recent life in which its experience is touched deeply by another person, someone who had this special awareness of the higher Truths, someone who demonstrated the beauty and love which could be expressed by one who is on the path of spiritual advancement.
In some cases, though not all, the soul who had previously been following a conventional series of lives might suddenly become stimulated to struggle more diligently, to climb out of the ordinary mold, to gain a far deeper understanding of the meaning of existence.
So, the soul is then born into the current life-pattern. Because of that previous contact with the spiritually advanced person, the soul is born with an intent. It watches and keeps looking around—seeking for something it can not consciously identify. It feels that something must be just around the corner—some clue which will give it the understanding it knows it lacks, the grasp of meaning which is not present. Then something will happen that will introduce the soul to a different way of living or thinking, some teacher takes the soul into his circle of influence, some book seems to contain the signpost for which the seeking was probing and a circumstance is presented which can alter the pathway.
Here, however, is the test of discernment, of the inner recognition of Truth. For there are many false teachers upon the Earth in the present day, many so-called gurus and sages who hold out a certain philosophy of living and acting. These may attract the new seeker for a time, but if the teachings are not fully in tune with the higher Truths, or if the teacher himself does not behave in accordance with the philosophy he proclaims (brothers, this is a BIG ONE), then the seeker is expected to see the dichotomy and to become aware that perhaps this mode of thought is only a half-way house of some sort, a way-station on the path to a better and higher wisdom.
Many souls do not recognize the trap into which they have fallen. They embrace the teachings, join the movement and become devotees of their supposed “master”, defending him against all attack by those who have become disillusioned, often cutting themselves off from family and former friends—NEVER REALIZING THAT ANY MOVEMENT THAT PRODUCES DIVISION, COLDNESS AND ESTRANGEMENT BETWEEN HUMAN BEINGS—EVEN THOUGH IT DOES NOT OPENLY ESPOUSE THESE ATTITUDES—MUST BE IMPAIRED IN SOME WAY.
There are thousands of such movements now on Earth which fall into this category—of course there always have been the regular ones around also—those whose man-made doctrines have obscured the true original teachings. Because of the Cosmic Law governing the operation of these testing factors, we are not permitted to go about naming such groups, teachers or movements, nor do I have any desire to do so. However, I can and will list the kinds of teaching and activity which identify such forces, and the reader can form his own conclusions as he examines the various movements which are now on the Earth. Which, you will find, are almost all of them. I would wish to place in capitals and underline these items but will trust you to pay attention!
The most obvious traps are set by the movements which claim to be spiritual, but which are headed by individuals whose personal life-style is clearly the opposite of the teachings that are held forth. An example is the self-proclaimed guru or teacher who sends the new converts out onto the street, selling flowers or whatever to raise money, and who then pockets a large portion of the proceeds of those sales. Even if the teachings of the movement are in the direction of spirituality, the seeker is expected to be able to discriminate, i.e., to take only that which is in accord with his own inner feeling of the Truth for himself, and to reject that which is not in accord.
Most of the so-called gurus who fall into this category are counting on the inability of the new convert to discriminate. They expect the convert to swallow everything about the movement, on the grounds that some of the teachings are in accordance with the cosmic Truths of love and light. These ones will most often broadcast the term “love” and intimate relationship of spiritual integration, etc., ad nauseam. As an example, a body of teaching may include an insistence that love between mankind is the only hope for the salvation of the race, or it may refer to the functions of the guides and teachers on other planes, or it may stress the need to subjugate the self and undertake service to others. But each of these teachings can be perverted to an unworthy cause. For further example, the love between souls may be used to require the neophyte to love the guru or teacher unconditionally, or to give all of his possessions to the movement to demonstrate his love. Or again, the reference to guides on other planes may be used to convince the new seeker that the body of teaching provided by the movement must be correct because it comes through direct revelation from such guides. Finally, the subjugation of the self can be carried to the point where total self-abnegation is required, so that the neophyte will be willing to work any number of hours a day to raise money for the movement—to in turn be utilized freely by the leader.
The soul caught in such movements is not left without guideposts. He is not abandoned by his own guides, who are anxious to move him on to a broader perspective of reality. This can only happen when he sees the sham of the movement which has trapped him, and this perception can come if the seeker watches the signs and clues which come his way. The easiest way to discern the truth of any movement is to study its leader or founder.
If the leader or founder is living richly off the sweat of the converts, then he is a false guru. That is the most obvious means to detect fraud of this kind. But for those who understand the cosmic laws there are other ways.
For example, there is a law that any individual on the Earth plane must show on his physical form some sign or characteristic which identifies his true essence. The law is in conformity with the assertion that those who have “eyes to see” and “ears to hear” can always find the truth by direct observation. Look at the face of the leader; look at his bodily structure. Does he have a serene, “happy” countenance, or is there something sinister about him? Is he grossly overweight—I mean to the point of obvious self indulgence, or is he crippled in some manner. Sometimes the crippling is the overweight itself. Now, don’t go off the deep end—I speak of grossness. Or, is that one maintained so perfectly in body form as to be obsessed with his appearance and vanity. Does his appearance give you any reason to doubt that he has only the best interests of the “race” at heart?
There are other areas to study as well. Has the leader ever been hounded through the courts, or banned from any country? Have any of the followers ever developed mental aberrations or schizophrenic traits as a result of their exposure to the movement? Do the spokesmen for the group want you, first and foremost, to give an appreciable sum of money or to take some expensive course as an introduction to the teachings? I speak here of personal gain for the leadership itself, of benefit only to a few “top” people. Does the movement offer mainly success in the physical world (money, business, love, power) rather than a deepening of the understanding or spiritual wisdom?
I stress that the seeker is always given ample clues to the true nature of any individual or movement. He need merely open his eyes and read the signals directly. They never lie. Always good, too, to look at “what” a leader might end up in court about—remember, Immanuel was harassed quite notably by a court of “justice”.
As we deal with the groups and movements which are intended to trap the unwary seeker, let us not miss the point. Most of these things are aided, abetted and encouraged by the energies of the DBBs which is not to say that the leaders or main instigators are, themselves, mere puppets of the dark ones.
In some cases this is true, but in the majority of such movements, the DB merely spurs on the innate negativity and greedy ego of the leader, prompting him to seek wealth through the movement, or control over others, or fame—just to stand out in wondrous “holy” garb and espouse pearls of wisdom—his! As to the souls who become entrapped by the movement, they too are influenced wherever possible by the DBBs, who are attempting to keep them locked up in a movement where they will not be able to use their enthusiasm and energy in reaching directly out to their brothers living so called “normal” lives. The idea is to trap the unwary seekers in a vortex, to take them out of the mainstream, and, in many cases, to bring about estrangement between the seeker and members of his own family, so that the energies of the seeker will be tied up in the emotional struggle and thus be unavailable to help his brothers.
There is, however, an additional phase to the efforts of the DB to deter the advancement of the race through side-tracking seekers. They know that those who are impelled to find a spiritual path through life are the best hope of the world, for these souls have the possibility of reaching many, many other souls through their words and deeds. Because such souls are so pivotal to the salvation of mankind, the DB desires above all else to cause them difficulty, to side-track their energies, and to sow confusion and contention between them. DO ANY OF THESE THINGS HIT ANY NAILS UPON THEIR HEADS?
In terms of causing the seeker difficulty in his life-pattern, the DBBs are permitted to insist that certain karmic burdens which such souls carry be discharged at a time convenient to the DB. In most cases, the petitions by the dark ones are granted, and the karma is allowed to fall upon the seeker. The exceptions are made when the seeker is at a sensitive phase of his quest, and has placed himself in a position from where he could accomplish much which would lead others to seek a higher way through life. Aside from these exceptions, as we say, most such requests are allowed. This is why certain souls who are clearly aware of higher Truth will from time to time be visited by misfortune that does not seem to be tied directly with lesson-learning, and which is not even indicated by the planetary positions.
I have already dealt with the question of side-tracking the energies of the seeker, and have explained that most of this is accomplished through the various movements now on the Earth and which act as “backwaters” into which the seeker can be trapped.
Finally there is the question of the attempts by the DBBs to sow confusion and dissension between seekers and/or workers. This is accomplished primarily through the telepathically or psychically transmitted material which has found its way into books. Naturally we, too, realize that our writings must be scrutinized in the light of the comments we are about to make and have made, but we have no doubt that the careful seekers will be able to make their own determination as to which source they feel is the more “correct” for them.
There are certain specific kinds of teachings which are precisely calculated to confuse the unwary. To explain the most important of these we must first point out what many seekers already well know; that the person and mission of the individual who was called the Christ should be regarded as the very summit of revealed Truth for mankind thus far.
Because of certain of His teachings—indeed, the simplest of the teachings—He represents a direct frontal attack upon the DB and all which they have attempted to accomplish in the millennia since the rebirth scheme was initiated. Specifically, by asserting that one should love one’s enemies, Christ presented the single most effective way to overcome the temptations of Earth life and to confound the whisperings of the DB. By looking on one’s enemies, or better, on all of creation—with pure love in one’s heart, all of the negative emotions, all of the enmities and frustrations of life, simply fade away. Without these annoying factors, the DBBs cannot succeed in their declared aim of dragging human souls down to destruction.
The DB knows full well that the Christ’s teachings in this regard are the single most effective means for gaining higher ground spiritually, and therefore, they seek in any way possible to undermine the reality of the figure of Christ and the validity of His message. This they do in two ways: the first is to cast doubt upon whether or not He ever lived on the Earth plane. There are certain so-called “messages” from other planes which contend that He was a reality on certain planes but not on the physical. Now, any who can understand that all of Creation is ONE, can surely perceive that if Christ was a reality on one plane, He must have manifested on all planes. To do otherwise would detract from the completeness of the message which His life represented.
Other transmissions contend that He was merely a man, and that there was nothing special about Him aside from the wisdom which He had attained through revelation or study. Again, this is intended to undermine the importance of His life, and to sow doubt as to whether He represented some special factor which had entered the Earth realm to live and walk with mankind. Well, He was merely a man who was greater than all men but He taught that any man could reach His stature and wisdom.
In short, any contention that Christ was less than a manifested special being whose life was dedicated to the spiritual upliftment of the human race, and who was overlighted during the ministry years by the pure Glory of the Father Creator, must be carefully scrutinized to see whether or not there is a deliberate attempt to detract from the importance of the Christian message (and I speak of the “Christian” message in full Truth of definition—not what it has become in your eons of misinterpretation).
Other supposed teachings from other planes are also directed to undermining the certainty and understanding of the seeker. For example, some sources contend that the passage of time is an illusion, that all lives are lived simultaneously, and that there is no real distinction between past, present and future. Now, in a certain sense which can only be understood from a vantage point which is outside of the physical plane, this contention is true. However, the result of trying to fully grasp this philosophical notion from within physical incarnation can only be total confusion—what you perceive is time allotments and that is exactly what you get.
The consciousness of man has been given to him in order to allow him to perceive time as a flow, so that he could understand the great Law of Cause and Effect. Man does A and the result is Z. This always takes place in that order, and is intended to allow a perception of the truth that man, by virtue of the thoughts and emotions he harbors, makes his own reality.
If this latter idea can be grasped, then the even higher purpose can be served, namely to allow each incarnated soul to understand itself.
The DBBs do not want man to understand all of the ramifications of what we will call Karmic Law, and they attack the possibility of such a grasp by trying to confuse the seeker with regard to “time”. If one concludes that the flow of time is an illusion, and that “all lives are lived simultaneously,” then how can existence from one life possibly affect another? But “karma” does pass from life to life. (Karma is another of your misused words which has lost most of its true definition, but I find no other suitable.) At the level where there are manifested results of these experiences, it is quite correct and certainly adequate to consider that one life precedes another in an orderly fashion and sequence. The reconciliation of the Earth-based point of view with the higher grasp of time as a single instant which is “pulled out” into a stream by man’s consciousness, must wait until the seeker has reached the spiritual plane from which these ideas can be seen in their full light.
Now for one other example of misleading teachings. There are sources which contend that the galactic observers now in the region of the Earth are not all friendly to mankind. There is the suggestion that some are distinctly alien and even hostile, and that certain of these beings kidnap humans and kill humans and animal life for experimental purposes.
It is difficult for us to present a line of argument which will fully set aside the fears that such messages engender, but I will most surely attempt to do so.
Firstly, it is true that not all of the civilizations in this galaxy are highly evolved in a technical and spiritual sense. Some are comparable to Earth civilization, which presently is at the very bottom of the scale due to the self-annihilation which mankind practices through war, violence and murder. However, the present phase of evolution of the galactic entity itself is such that only those civilizations which have attained a state of awareness of the cosmic laws and who have overcome the base passions which lead to war, tyranny and self-annihilation are allowed to develop the technical means which are necessary to permit them to move to other parts of the galaxy. The ones who remain imprisoned in their own negativity and violence must also remain prisoners of their own planets—just as do you ones.
Hence, the other unevolved civilizations in this galaxy are also confined to their own local region of space, because they are not allowed to develop the technological means for escaping. In the case of man, the minor successes in terms of reaching the moon are the maximum which can be achieved using the current technology. No space entity would defy the cosmic laws to go further. That does not mean that attempts have not been made to extract information from ones who fall into your clutches. It does mean, however, that you have more allies in place on your planet than you had supposed at first glance. The secret of free-energy (as you commonly recognize “energy”) will not fall into man’s hands so long as he threatens to pollute the rest of space with his hatred and his uncontrolled passions.
It thus follows that those civilizations that are able to make the journey to this part of the galaxy must be of an evolved nature, and this is true. If they were not, then with their vastly superior technology they could easily decimate this planet, kill all life, or set themselves up as absolute dictators (you do a good enough job of all those categories to not need assistance). No force known to humanity could stop them. BUT, THEY “ARE” STOPPED—BY THEIR OWN SPIRITUAL DEVELOPMENT. The galactic observers would never dream of attempting to interfere with man’s path on this planet. That law is over-ruled ONLY when a planetary civilization has descended so far into self-destruction—as man has done—that it threatens not only to destroy itself, but to poison or damage other regions of space in the bargain, not to mention destruction of his only life-source, mother planet.
Because man has been allowed to develop nuclear energy, there is a serious danger that, during the coming nuclear war—and there will be one—the explosions could actually damage the fabric of space itself. It is for this reason that the observers and participants are here in such numbers and remain on constant alert. Otherwise, we would wait until the allotted timing and do the Armageddon “thing” and get it all over with. We have a duty to the Galactic Being, namely to preserve it from damage committed knowingly or unknowingly, by humanity as it unleashes centuries of hatred and violence upon itself in the last death throes upon the Earth planet. At the same time we understand that we must be prepared to step in and rescue the noblest fraction of the race from the holocaust which man’s unevolved passions will unleash. Without the possibility of such a rescue, there is a danger that man really could accomplish the complete annihilation of himself and all other life-forms on the planet.
The aforementioned instances of misleading and confusing information will suffice to illustrate the efforts exerted by the DBB to detour seekers from their path. Only one further area remains to be discussed, and that relates to the “direct” attempts to physically interfere with the projects that seekers undertake in the service of their brothers.
Dharma, I realize you grow very fatigued and I will close when you make a decision to do so. I do not have much more for this session so I will leave it into your determination. Perhaps we could slow a bit and be able to finish.
I emphasize first of all that direct access to the physical plane of manifestation is extremely limited for the DBBs, as it is for the other more positive brotherhoods as well. The Law in this regard is that both they and we must primarily work through those who are in incarnation. Hence, the good that can be done in the world must ultimately depend on the willingness of incarnated individuals to put their time and energy into the endeavor. Likewise, the evil that manifests on the Earth plane must do so through the agency of those in bodies who are prepared to do the work of the DBBs. If all who are attuned to darkness should cease to inhabit physical bodies, the evil afflicting the Earth would disappear, because there would be no more instruments through which the DBBs could accomplish their aims.
The rule that governs direct influence in the plane of matter is simple to state: the energy required to accomplish a given interference within the three-dimensional, second density material plane is directly proportional to the amount of good or evil which that interference can accomplish. For example, if a given interference is directed to producing a clearly negative action—like a murder—the energy required from the DBBs to accomplish it directly (without one of their disciples being utilized) is enormous. Usually, unless they considered such an act indispensable to their cause, they would not be prepared to lose that amount of energy. Besides, it is not so difficult to find fanatics who will, say, plant a bomb aboard an airline. Now, on the other side, the force required to, say, cause a fire to suddenly emit a shower of sparks, for example, in order to jolt or frighten those sitting around it, is not nearly so great.
The main point which must be understood here is that they—and we—are under the Law of “Economy of Energy”, so to speak. This means that neither we nor they have access to limitless amounts of energy with which to seek our respective goals. If only one side were restricted in this way, and the other had access to as much energy as it required, then the battle would not be balanced. If both sides were given all of the energy they wanted to use, the Earth plane would turn into an arena in which discarnate forces battled ad infinitum, leaving no room for man to pursue his spiritual pilgrimage—or anything else. Hence, the only workable scheme is to limit both sides equally.
So, now some things to look out for. The DBBs utilize the creation of robot-like entities at the etheric level, programmed to directly interfere with reality. For example, if the DB wishes to delay the publication of a book, they could send such entities to the location where the actual printing is to take place, after programming them to cause break-downs and mistakes during the printing process. Mostly they will utilize thought pattern input to cause ones performing tasks to cause disruption or breakdowns. You may run into that very thing with these publications for the press prints some pretty low vibration material.
In order to create robots of the kind mentioned, the DBBs must actually donate a part of their own essence. When the job is completed, the essences are re-absorbed back into those who donated them. However, if the material going to create the robots should be destroyed by means known to certain seekers, before reabsorption can take place, then the re-combining cannot occur and the contributing DBB’s permanently lose the respective parts that sustained the destroyed etheric robots. I trust you understand that etheric means invisible to the human consciousness.
The technique for destroying such etheric entities is to command them, in the name of Jesus Christ, to disappear and to cease to exist. In the name of Immanuel Christ, or Sananda, or Creator, or, or, or is quite as sufficient. It is that for so long now, the term Jesus has been accepted that the name is most distasteful to the DBB’s. It is, further, not sufficient to order them simply to depart as that does not entail disintegration of the entity, only departure.
This is where you get the saying, “There are gremlins in the machinery,” if a machine keeps breaking down. There are also good little fairies so I do not wish to be lopsided. However, gremlins serve a very definite purpose and, brothers, those particular entities are originated on the dark side.
The DBBs can also manipulate many of the currents and elementary forces which are most attuned to them in vibration. For example, although the element “fire” is a great purifying power on the Earth plane, it is also attuned to the notion of karma, the trial by fire, and the destruction of that which is consumed. Especially when the fire is burning coal (coming from the darkness beneath the surface of the Earth) the DBB’s are enabled to manipulate it to their own ends. We should emphasize that such use of fire cannot be allowed to be kept outside of that called for in a karmic aspect, but the karmic burden of the race as a whole is still so great that the DB has great latitude in terms of how they may wish to use this elemental force.
Another process at work in relation to fire is the manner in which human beings provide the energies which manifest in many of the fires which destroy property. Fire is the phenomenon which most closely corresponds to rage and anger.
These connections of fire with anger are no accident. When any two persons indulge in a fierce argument, with much shouting and anger, but without giving full vent to the anger in a physical way, there is created at the etheric level a seething cloud of fire-like energy which seeks expression on the Earth plane. If it cannot find expression in violence between the two persons who created it, then it will, given the right circumstances, release itself in a destructive fire. Of course, some spark must be present to allow the fire to begin, but once it is initiated its full fury will manifest. If that type of energy is stored within, make sure you cleanse it with spiritual water, brothers.
Finally, the DBBs are able to literally take over certain persons for brief (or prolonged) periods of time, and through them carry out specific actions. This can even happen to those who are normally of a spiritual nature, if such persons open themselves up to the dark forces. Most opening up comes through over indulgence in alcohol for it is the one most abused altering substance. When one takes alcohol into the system, in any form, an access opens at the back of the head, through which the darker forces, if they put enough effort into it, can gain access. Let me assure you that in this group, any effort is not too much.
Much can be accomplished in a short time by one properly placed, and the DBBs will normally only undertake this procedure if it promises to yield rich dividends for them. In the instance of a couple, often years are lost to Light service because one or the other of the pair are kept in an addiction for that specific reason. Again, you must command the energy to withdraw and depart, in the name of the Christ. It will go for it is obligated to do so. It does not mean it will go willingly, without a struggle or instantly. However, if attended diligently it will depart—every time.
Although I have set forth the main techniques by which the DBBs seek to influence humans in incarnation, I must point out that there are many instances which do not fall into the categories I have described. In every case, however, the seeker or worker whose intuition is open, is alert and asks for proper guidance, will be able to decide for himself when the DBBs are behind any particular manifestation on the Earth plane—they are, remember, required to “wear” a clue.
Dharma, let us close for today for if we set the stress on the wrist muscles too intently, we will be delayed on the morrow. There is too much material to finish easily at this sitting.
I am most indebted to you for your willing service and I shall not mention Simon Peter again this day. So be it and Salu.
Transcribed into HTML format  by Rocky Montana

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